Other SDK Version
All other versions of the SDK require a conversation with our developers.
We want to know who our customers are, and we want to ensure we're not wasting
each others time. Commercial use is licensed and we do that a number of ways.
This is another topic we will discuss with you.
Send an email to info@HandHeldspeech.com and include a method
for us to contact you (a phone number, a skype id, etc).
Very prominently in the subject write SDK. (Because this a public email address
it recieves a lot of spam. It is looked at very cursorily and deleted.) If you
haven't recieved a response in a timely manner, send another email.
The native build for all platforms is a c++/c library. The native library is
built for Windows, OSX, IOS, Android, x86 Linux (Ubuntu), and Raspbian. The SDK
can be built in both 32bit and 64bit forms (where appropriate). There
exists a c# wrapper for Xamarin, Visual Studio, and Unity development.
There exists a Java/Android wrapper. For the particular environment you wish to
target, we have example apps. We support English, German, Spanish, Portuguese
and to a lesser extent Japanese.
If you want to play with the SDK without contacting us, buy
a raspberry pi and download the free sdk.